Park Pride InterviewTom Branch spoke to Park Pride about Frazier-Rowe Park. Click here to watch the video.
Pollinator GardenOut of thousands of entries, Girl Scout Troop 29424's pollinator garden was one of only three recognized for the Council Young Women of Distinction Award by theAtlanta Area Council of the Girl Scouts!
Daffodil PlaqueFrom the Daffodil Website Plaque presentation. As of March 2020, we have planted almost 7,000 Daffodils.
WSB TV ShowcaseWSB TV aired a segment about our efforts in the park. Watch it online. Visit the Help Out page to find out how you can join us!
LibraryWe have a two small libraries and for youth and children and another for adults. Bring a book; take a book.
ExerciseOutside exercise equipment in the park is
available for youth or adults. Tom BranchKarl SchultzCongratulations to Karl Schultz, winner of the 2016 Park Pride Inspiration Award for his work on the park!
CommunityPrograms and classes are posted in the kiosk as well as identification aids for plants, butterflies, birds or trees.
Park HistoryThe park is named for the Frazier and Rowe families who lived on the property before it was acquired by DeKalb County. There is a historical display near the entrance to the park.
FundingA 2015 Park Pride grant paid to build our unique play structure, which was put together by our amazing volunteers. There is also a merry-go-round, spring riders, and picnic tables. All of this shaded!
Dogs of Oak GroveDogs of Oak Grove (DOG) has issued a challenge to dogs in the community. Details are available on the park kiosk.
Early Morning TherapyEarly Morning Therapy (EMT) meets every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., weather permitting. It is a way to support our community green space while we get to know and support each other. If you have an hour to come and help water, plant and weed, please do join us! It's a chance to get some fresh air and exercise, do some good for the community and for yourself all at once! What a win/win!
GeocachingThis park has geocache sites.